Educator Modules

Available to all APs

APSHO is proud to open its library of Educator Module slide sets to all APs! In the section below, you'll find peer-created presentations and speaker notes that can be used for your own enrichment, or as an educational resource to present to your colleagues in various settings. Just click on the image of the educator module you're interested in to get started.

APSHO members can earn certificates

As a society benefit, APSHO members can earn certificates of participation for learning through the Educator Modules. See the last slide of each presentation for more information.

Take just 30 minutes of your time today!

Each Educator Module is designed to correspond to about 30 minutes of education. Browse the library today, and check back often to see what’s new!

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Advance Care Planning
Explore the importance of advance care planning for patients and their families, and learn how to navigate legal issues, overcome common barriers, and access helpful resources for advanced practitioners.
Introduction to Applied Statistics for Oncology Advanced Practitioners
Discover, or refresh your knowledge on, applied statistics in oncology. Explore how advanced practitioners can use an understanding of statistics to read and evaluate clinical trial results more critically.
A Team-Based Approach to Oral Adherence in the Oncology Setting
Learn about the role of oral oncolytic therapy—along with its benefits and challenges—and explore how advanced practitioners can address nonadherence and support patients on these therapies.
Distress Screening and Management
Download this helpful primer on cancer-related distress: Learn about assessment, management, and the serious implications of not addressing this critical but often-overlooked condition.
Caring for the Geriatric Oncology Patient: Essential Elements to Provide Safe and Effective Care
Update your knowledge of the essential elements of caring for the older patient with cancer, including assessing and managing pain, identifying cognitive changes, and addressing other concerns often seen in this population.
Introduction to CAR T-Cell Therapy
Get up to speed on CAR T-cell therapy: how it works, which patients are candidates, what side effects to be on alert for, and what your institution needs to do to prepare to offer this revolutionary therapy.